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Climate Change Education at the Department of Animal Biology and Conservation Science, University of Ghana

Climate Change Education at the Department of Animal Biology and Conservation Science, University of Ghana

The Centre in partnership with the Department of Animal Biology and Conservation Science with support from the Global Youth Development Institute (GYDI) and the Pan African Conservation Education (PACE) organised a 1-day workshop on understanding Climate Change and Green Opportunities.

The Executive Director of the Centre, Mr. Kassim Hussein emphasised on the need for youth engagement in the climate Change Discourse. Dr. Tachie –Obeng, the National ACE Focal Point of the UNFCCC introduced participants to the six elements of ACE and how they can be involved. On his part, Dr. Daniel Benefo, the UNFCCC National focal point threw more light on some of the future opportunities in the green space. The Executive Coordinator of PACE (UK), Penny Fraser introduced participants to the PACE Biodiversity learning Pack. It was a great learning experience for the participants.